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Dear Volunteer,

Thank you for dedicating your time and efforts to the Musician’s Golf Association (MGA). As a volunteer with MGA, your contributions help us host successful golf tournaments that entertain and benefit a global community. Your involvement is not just about facilitating a sporting event; it’s about fostering a culture of music, community, and camaraderie through golf.

This handbook will serve as your comprehensive guide through your journey with us, ensuring you are well-prepared to meet the unique needs of our golfing events.


General Expectations:


Code of Conduct

You are an ambassador of MGA at our events, expected to:

  • Display sportsmanship and professionalism, respecting all players, guests, staff, and fellow volunteers.
  • Follow MGA ethical guidelines and safety protocols diligently.
  • Commit to your scheduled times, ensuring smooth operations from tee-off to the final putt.


Communication Protocol

  • Utilize provided radios and event-specific apps to stay in constant communication with the event team.
  • Report issues immediately to your coordinator to ensure quick resolutions.
  • Maintain clarity and courtesy in communications, reflecting the spirit of MGA.


Detailed Volunteer Roles and Responsibilities


Event Setup and Teardown

  • Setup: Arrive early to assist with the course setup, including placing tee markers, setting up starting and scoring tents, and ensuring the practice areas are ready.
  • Teardown: Post-event, assist in clearing the course, storing all equipment, and ensuring the clubhouse and course are as pristine as they were upon arrival.

Registration Desk

  • Facilitate smooth check-in at the clubhouse, using golf-specific registration systems.
  • Inform participants about the course layout, local rules, and event format (e.g., shotgun start, match play).
  • Distribute golfer welcome kits including scorecards, course maps, and tee gifts.

Scoring and Leaderboard Management

  • Collect scorecards after rounds, ensuring scores are accurately recorded.
  • Update digital and physical leaderboards promptly to reflect live standings.
  • Clarify any rules or scoring disputes with the assistance of a rules official.

Refreshments and Catering

  • Manage hydration stations around the course, ensuring they are fully stocked with refreshments.
  • Coordinate with catering teams to deliver meals at designated points, such as the turn (after nine holes).
  • Ensure quick and efficient service to keep players and spectators satisfied.

Course Marshals

  • Monitor pace of play and ensure golf etiquette is maintained throughout the course.
  • Assist in the management of player movement, especially at start and transition points.
  • Be prepared to provide basic first aid and call for medical assistance if necessary.


Dress Code

  • Standard Uniform: MGA-branded polo shirts, “golf bottoms” (khakis, skirts, etc.) and comfortable, non-slip shoes suitable for walking on grass.
  • Safety and Weather Gear: Depending on your role and weather conditions, additional gear such as rain jackets, sun hats, or safety vests may be provided.


Safety and Emergency Procedures

  • Thorough knowledge of the golf course layout, including hazards and shelter locations.
  • Quick access to emergency communication devices and first aid kits stationed around the course.
  • Participation in a golf-specific safety training session covering emergency scenarios on the course.


Benefits of Volunteering

  • Enhance your understanding of golf tournament operations and network with like-minded music and golf enthusiasts.
  • Enjoy perks and discounts on MGA events and merchandise.
  • Attend an exclusive end-of-season volunteer recognition event.